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Kauai Horseback Riding

Known as Hawaii’s “Garden Island,” Kauai is a lush island paradise just waiting to be explored. With glistening waterfalls, serene mountain pools, and verdant countryside, Kauai is a tropical adventurer’s dream. Get up close and personal with all the island has to offer on a Kauai horseback riding adventure.
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At the heart of Kauai, at the feet of Mount Makaleha, lies the Kalihiwai Valley, home to acres of lush pristine tropical beauty. It’s here that your equestrian exploration begins. Once paired with the perfect steed for your experience level, you’ll saddle up for the Kauai horseback riding adventure of a lifetime as you make your way over miles of private trails. Depending on the adventure package you choose, you’ll explore a volcanic crater, ride through botanical enclaves, picnic beside a mountain pool, or even take a swim in a hidden waterfall for the Hawaiian memory of a lifetime.