from $129 Skydiving Orlando Skydiving Orlando

Skydiving Orlando

Not everyone has what it takes to jump out of a perfectly good airplane – and that's what sets skydivers apart. It's an exclusive club but it's easy to enter – all you need to do is jump.

What's included:
  • 40 - 70 second free fall
  • Professional Tandem Master
  • All necessary gear, briefing & instructions
  • An experience you will be talking about for weeks!

I would highly recommend this AWESOME adventure to anyone. It was a fantastic experience. My tandem jump partner Dave was the best. He was thoroughly and completely knowledgeable for my adventure. I highly commend all the staff at this Adrenaline jump site. Yes I went sky diving at 65 and loved it.

David M
Customer photo
Price: $105.84
Our Price: $95.84
You Save: $10 (10%)
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Price: $314
Our Price: $199
You Save: $20 (8%)
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Price: $199
Our Price: $149
You Save: $50 (25%)
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Price: $249
Our Price: $169
You Save: $80 (32%)
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About Skydiving Orlando

When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. - Leonardo da Vinci

Have you ever heard someone describe an experience as "life changing"? We hear it all the time. The phrase is so overused that people will toss it out in a Facebook status to describe the dinner they had last night.

But skydiving is one of the few experiences that truly live up to the term "life changing". To paraphrase Leonardo, once you've tasted the rush of skydiving, you'll never look at the sky the same way again.

Because you've been IN it. Not just riding through it in a big metal tube, but IN it. Totally free. Totally submitted to the forces of wind and gravity.

If I could stand in an open airplane doorway two-and-a-half miles above the ground and will myself to step into empty space, then I could do anything. - Dave Stein

That's life changing. And you can have that experience right here in Orlando.

When you're ready for a truly life changing experience, we've got the Orlando skydiving adventure for you.

Book your life changing adventure here!

Customer Reviews

My boyfriend and I had a wonderful time and enjoyed every minute of our adventure. It was both our first time skydiving and we definitely plan on getting certified to jump on or own. I would like to give a special thanks to the staff that made this experience unforgetable!


I had an amazing and unforgettable experience. Special thanks to my tandem, Ronaldo, whose friendliness and calmness made the experience that much more pleasant.

Rita K

I totally enjoyed the whole skydiving experience and would absolutely recommend it to others. The staff were knowledgeable and had experience that ensured a successful adventure. Thanks

Kenneth C

Was the best birthday present to myself, total check off on my bucket list! Carlos is a great guide both experienced and calming. I felt like a sail on a boat, very peaceful.

Michael D

THE DIVE WAS GREAT!!!! WOULD DO IT AGAIN. FELT SAFE, SECURE AND INFORMED. Thanks for making my daughters birthday a memory for a life time.


One of the greatest experiences I have ever had. The staff and instructors made the skydive and proposal everything I was hoping for. I think I've said I wanna skydive again over 20 times in the last two days. I'll definitely be going again soon. Definitely something I'll never forget.

Mitchell T

DESCRIPTION Skydiving Orlando & Orlando tandem skydive 18,000 foot jump sky dive sky diving & parachuting near me Lake Wales skydiving reach terminal velocity & parachute
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